Sunday, 17 February 2008

Art of Fragility

sometimes the lights upon the horizon shine bright with promise,
emitting colourful sparks of hope.
lighting up the sky of life with a pearly lustre..
and i see myself standing in a field among the flowers of my life,
watching the butterflies of time flutter by.
then there are times when the sky darkens with the clouds of despair
and the rain of uncertainty showers down upon my soul,
battering the flowers,
destroying them,
yet the butterflies of time still flutter by,
through the tormenting rain, ever persistent.
why does not the sun shine forever,
why does not the unrelenting tormentful rain stop.
i wish to ascend to the heavens
and ride upon my steed of joy on the glorious band of the rainbow.
to revel in the beauty of the whimsical breezes of happiness.
oh yes, beauty does exist
and through the rain will i plod on in the hope of discovering my pearly horizon once more..

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